Monte Vista Rotary Dick Boyce Memorial Book Scholarship deadline approaching

Posted 3/10/23

MONTE VISTA — The Monte Vista Rotary Club recently announced that it will again offer the Dick Boyce Memorial Book Scholarship to a qualifying high school senior from either Monte Vista High School or Sargent High School. It is also open to a Monte Vista Rotary member’s child who is a graduating senior attending a high school elsewhere in the San Luis Valley. One scholarship is awarded annually. The application deadline is April 7.

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Monte Vista Rotary Dick Boyce Memorial Book Scholarship deadline approaching


MONTE VISTA — The Monte Vista Rotary Club recently announced that it will again offer the Dick Boyce Memorial Book Scholarship to a qualifying high school senior from either Monte Vista High School or Sargent High School. It is also open to a Monte Vista Rotary member’s child who is a graduating senior attending a high school elsewhere in the San Luis Valley. One scholarship is awarded annually. The application deadline is April 7.

“We strongly encourage all Monte Vista and Sargent high school seniors to apply for this scholarship opportunity,” says MV Rotary Club President Larry Foster. “We really want to have a strong slate of candidates to choose from.”

This scholarship is designed to pay book fees for a 2023 graduating high school senior who will be attending either Adams State University or Trinidad State College on a full-time basis. More specifically, it will pay book fees for up to and including $500 per year for four consecutive years. It is eligible for Adams State University for four consecutive years or Trinidad State College for two years and then Adams State University for the subsequent two years if the student transfers to Adams State University from Trinidad State College.

“I so encourage eligible students to apply for this scholarship,” said Gracie Burkhardt, 2019 scholarship recipient. “This scholarship helped me so much financially with the purchase of my books, and it is not a difficult application to complete.”

Dick Boyce was an active Rotarian from the Sargent area who believed in his local community and the education of its youth.

The Monte Vista Rotary is a civic club that has been in existence since 1920, serving the Monte Vista community in many ways. The club annually completes two highway clean-ups, a cemetery clean-up, and financially supports many other community projects throughout the year. The Ski Hi Stampede BBQ is the club’s largest fundraiser.

For more detailed information, contact either the Monte Vista High School or Sargent High School councilors or contact Monte Vista Rotary members David Hinkley (719-852-3442), Larry Foster (405-321-1972), or Karla Shriver (719-850-5808) or any other Monte Vista Rotarian.