Letter to the Editor: A letter to the Off family

To the editor,

It sure does not take much effort to acknowledge a job well done. I first knew of the OFF family when they surfaced during the new Rio Grande Hospital construction. We always devoted some time to hear our leader (Doctor Norman Haug) tell us of his dream. You see, he always said all we needed was a miracle to make his dream come a reality. My memory tells me the Off family had offered to participate in the project. At the meeting of the announcement, a teardrop made its way to every board member along with the smile of the year from our leader.

Of course, our new leader, Arlene Harms, continued the good work after his passing with another donation for the new clinic from the Off family.

“And now this,” Gateway Park. I see in the paper the Offs enter again!  Only this time the entire Off family appeared on the scene. The entire people of the San Luis Valley and folks of Del Norte should be forever grateful of their donation of both projects. The only thing I see lacking is a plaque to tell the future generation of what took place. You see, the years go by and too soon we forget.

I guess it is what people do when they love their town and home and want to leave a “legacy”

The entire San Luis Valley should be grateful to have a hospital for the entire west end of the Valley. I can tell you; our family has used the service more times than I want to tell. Please accept our thanks and appreciation for a job well done.

Ray and Colette Skeff
Monte Vista

This letter truly belongs in the OFF Family Archives.